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Radio Jackie Newsletter: 2007-02-11

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Interesting Local People

Lots of people doing lots of interesting things...

Greetings to The Cake Queen- a very nice lady came in the studios the other day with 2 boxes of cakes- her own creations- and very nice they are too. King of arty, almost designer cup cakes, if I may offer a description. Anyway, I promised I would give her a mention on the newsletter, so here it is


And, I wouldn't normally go into these deep deep matters in this newsletter, but a while ago we were wisited by a very nice chap called Tony Butcher. Ex-headmaster and student of Trancendental Meditation (think Beatles with the Holy Man). Anyhow, he's just written a book called Yoga Consciousness in Ancient Mystery Religions Whatever our beliefs in this area, it's a very interesting account of how fairy tales contain deep spiritual truths. Even I am personally in the camp of the Great Undecided, it's a really interesting read. Good luck Tony, stay tuned to RJ, and perhaps catch you in another dimension sometime!!


A while ago we were talking about a bit concert that we wanted to put on this year, - for several reasons we have moved it to next year- and we will keep you updated.

What's going on- spill the beans

Who do you know that does something fun and unusual, let me know, we can give it a mention. There's so much going on in this playground that is SW London,I can hardly keep up!

Perhaps I will write about it.

Or perhaps you would like to get in touch with us, and we can promote the hell out of it. Big or small. If it's community or charity based you get it for free, if it's a commercial enterprise we offer very good local radio rates.

Let me know newsletter@radiojackie.com

Fluffy Bunnies

We are really pleased with the hit rate on our Fluffy Bunny Video on You Tube, but being the greedy so and so's that we are, we always want more!

It's a rather silly Radio Jackie promotional video, don't try it at home! www.youtube.com

Type in Radio Jackie in the search box!

Starring Neil, Nicky, Steve Mowbray and Ashlea as Teenage Agony Aunt, Bovvered.

There is another one in the pipeline a spoof of the Downtown song- very very funny and on the way.

Funny Stuff from the Breakfast Show

Ahh, wouldn't it be difficult if you had a name like Herbert Snugglebunny- at this time of year it could cause all kinds of difficult and embarassing situations.

Romantic- Buying her flowers on plastic
Unromantic- Buying her plastic flowers

Romantic- Buying her a box of romantic chocolates
Unromantic- Buying her a book of Black Magic Spells

Romantic- Taking her for a stroll by the river
Unromantic- Asking her to carry your fishing rod on the way

Romantic- Putting on some classical music to make love to
Unromantic- making it the Minute Waltz by Chopin!

Share the loot- tell a friend to tell a friend!

My dear friend, something not tacky
I have this newsletter from Radio Jackie,
It's cool and fun and interesting,
It makes me want to dance and sing.

There's facts and stats and funny stuff
It really really makes me laff
There's local news that's all the rage
Why not sign up at the top of the page

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Don't be shy, just hit this link

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